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personal demo's, Mixes, club bangers, and ambient chillout room


personal demo's, Mixes, club bangers, and ambient chillout room

welcome to years and years of my music exploration and collections! here you will find links to songs, albums, installations, performances, and much more! fuck every single music gatekeeper ;)

Some Things I Want To Do Before I Die

solo hike up a mountain
live like a vagabond
candy flipp :O
skydive into the ocean

so how am i gonna do all that?


well first step is probably to fully escape the simulation.

i'm not talking about some "live cheaply shiz" either, i'm talking full on transcendance of a system that relies on organized government or power structures, falsified religion, corrupted monetary systems, exploitation of peoples and resources, or mental manipulation. and the scary thing is that these problems existed yesterday, today, and will remain in the future. therefore i sometimes wonder, do i do this alone? am i alone? surely not, as my goals are nowhere near exclusive to me, and i'm sure there are healthy strong communities that exist with these ideals in mind. the hard part will be abandoning friends and family who have chosen to live their lives in a way that goes against nature rather than with it.


all are welcome :)


